Saint Lucia’s Aftermath from Hurricane Tomas
Saint Lucia’s Aftermath from Hurricane Tomas was the perfect exotic location for Dracinc | Donn Thompson’s intersection of high-end photography and influential Fashion Shoot.

New York Fashion Photographer Dracinc | Donn Thompson On Location in Saint Lucia

Donn has a knack for capturing photos where the designer stands out. His images are eye-catching, electrifying, and exhilarating. His exceptional expertise is in tying all three aspects to create compelling imagery by integrating beckoning backdrops, mesmerising models, and fixating fashion. In this case, Queen Esther was the perfect person to add to the mixture.

Saint Lucia’s Aftermath & Exotic Locations
Hurricane Tomas swept over the Eastern Caribbean region on October 30, 2010, affecting almost the entire island and ravaging St. Lucia’s luscious landscapes, generating significant damage. Tomas passed some 40 miles south of St Lucia. The storm whipped the island with winds of 70 miles per hour and d gusts, along with torrential rains that fell uninterrupted for 21 hours. As a result, the southern part of the 238 sq mile island was most affected, including Bexon, Dennery, Laborie, Choiseul, Soufriere, Vieux Fort, Canaries, Anse La Raye and other communities.
Donn Thompson Photography invokes the terrain’s enchanting spirit with his intoxicating images of this charming island that seduces all senses with its titillating topography. The people stood firm after the storm’s wreckage, with uprooted trees and tree trunks falling over. Despite the natural disaster’s devastation, the people of Saint Lucia’s Aftermath would rise like a phoenix.

New York Fashion Photographer, Dracinc & Kuumber White Collection
Saint Lucia’s simplicity elevates the country’s natural beauty, abundant culture, and deep heritage. The flowing river washes away the island’s painful past. The models symbolize the people’s tenacity and resilience. They are ravishing in their white wardrobes against the backdrop of the environment’s vibrant green and brown scenery.
Adrienne Lockett and Akilah Jewelry
The indigenous ornaments by Adrienne Lockett and Akilah Jewelry complement the elegant Kuumba Fashion from Queen Esther. The white collection is bright and in stark contrast to the melanin of the female’s complexion.
Mariluz West Magnetic Makeup

Mariluz West did the magnetic makeup, enhancing each face’s underlying beauty.
As a photographer, Donn Thompson skillfully produces high-quality visuals. He easily guides the model’s movement while focusing on each image, best location, lighting, and angles. The makeup and nail colours enhance and correspond almost too well with Saint Lucia’s Aftermath of Tomas. All of this contributes to getting the fashion front and centre.
Esther Joseph, Designer in Saint Lucia‘s Aftermath
Intriguing fashion images are often the result of a collaborative process between individuals. A wardrobe stylist who will fine-tune the elements of a model’s body to fit the garments completely, which the designer exhibited from the story she wants to tell with her clothing line, is ideally showcased.
Esther Joseph Designer
Dracinc’s creative team is committed to making your upcoming project a success, no matter the cost! Fashion photography focuses on clothing designs and the culture, style, and appeal they represent. As a Harlem-based New York Fashion photographer, Dracinc has travelled to fascinating and alluring locations to photograph acclaimed fashion designers’ works.